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How to use a crystal pendulum

A crystal pendulum is a useful tool for connecting with yourself and revealing your own inner wisdom. Often we instinctually know the answers to the questions that we seek, but a pendulum can help to reveal the answers more easily or confirm your own intuition. 

If you are after guidance and help answering yes or no questions a pendulum can assist. 

How to get started?

  • It’s important to start by first cleansing your new pendulum (see article on cleansing). 
  • Next find a quiet space where you can sit and feel relaxed
  • Hold your pendulum in your hand and calm your mind
  • Think about your intention for using the pendulum 

Using the pendulum

Hold the pendulum in your dominant hand using the chain (or the chain looped around your finger) holding it over the palm of your other hand.

Next you need to ask the pendulum some easy questions to get its responses to “Yes” “No” or “No Answer”

So for example “Is my name <your real name>?”  The pendulum will spin either in a back and forth motion in a straight line or in a circular motion. Take this as the motion for “Yes”.

Now ask “Is my name <not your real name>?” The pendulum will spin either in a circular motion or back and forth in a straight line. Take this as a motion for “No”.

Often the answer for “No Answer” is the pendulum will remain completely still or just wobble slightly in place. 

Ask your questions

Ask your pendulum direct questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no” while holding your pendulum steady. It will move on its own. 

At first if your pendulum doesn’t respond. Try asking some easy questions that you already know the answers to, this will help you to relax and to connect with the answers within and your pendulum. 

All the wisdom that you seek lies within. 

Much love 

Jasmine xxx