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Crystal Meanings Directory - Learn about crystal energy

A quick reference guide to help you with selecting a crystal based on its vibrational attributes and commonly derived meaning.

We would recommend you select your crystal based on that which you feel intuitively drawn to. Crystals being natural products have unique energy and aesthetic attributes. 


Grounding ~ Strength ~ Security

Agates are grounding stones bringing about emotional, physical and intellectual balance. A soothing and calming stone Agate brings great strength, self acceptance and confidence. It’s multiple layers bringing hidden information to light raising the collective consciousness. Holding Agate creates a sense of safety & security dissolving internal tension and stress. 


Angelic ~ Communication ~ Shield

Angelite is useful for contacting angelic realms and connecting with your guardian angels. It encourages spiritual development and enlightenment. Related to the throat chakra an Angelite crystal can help with communication, speaking the right words in any situation.


Introspection ~ Illumination ~ Spirituality

Apophyllite is a peaceful crystal that illuminates and enhances mental clarity so you can see you true self. Aiding connection to the spirit world and raising your vibration Apophyllite relieves stress and promotes relaxation and optimism. This is a wonderful crystal to have on display to create a calming and peaceful home.


Tranquility ~ Manifestation ~  Truth
Amazonite brings good luck and is a stone of manifestation, especially when it is paired with the spoken word. It is excellent for communication and is incredibly soothing bringing about a sense of tranquility. Amazonite helps illuminate the truth and is believed to dispel anxiety and neutralise negative thinking while encouraging good health.

Healing ~ Spirituality ~ Peace

Amethyst is a gentle and powerful crystal for awakening your spirituality. A wonderful stone for meditation and raising consciousness. Amethyst is a peaceful healing crystal helping to relieve physical and emotional pain whilst offering protection.



Creativity ~ Energising ~ Balance

A combination of Amethyst and Citrine, Ametrine combines the power of the sun with the gentleness of the moon instilling harmony, perception and action. Encouraging the exploration of all possibilities and creative solutions while enhancing acceptance and higher awareness. Take control over your life and find the energy and balance you need with Ametrine.

Aventurine (Green)

Creativity ~ Luck ~ Fertility
Green Aventurine is a crystal for enhancing luck and attracting prosperity and good fortune. This crystal brings you what you seek and will attract opportunity and spark creativity. Often associated with fertility. 
Black Tourmaline
Protection ~ Grounding ~ Cleansing

Black Tourmaline is a very powerful, protective and grounding crystal. It absorbs and repels negative energy and cleanses and clears energy blockages. It neutralises electromagnetic pollution and will ward off psychic attacks and stress.

Healing ~ Protection ~ Revitalising

Bloodstone (Heliotrope) is a form of green quartz flecked with Jasper. It is believed to be a powerful healer and cleanser, revitalising and energising when the body and/or mind are exhausted. An excellent grounding and protective stone Bloodstone is perfect for enhancing courage to avoid danger and bullying. Reducing mental irritability, aggressiveness and impatience Bloodstone is calming and brings spiritual guidance.

Blue Chalcedony 

Communication ~ Creativity ~ Calm

Blue Chalcedony is a creative stone, opening the mind to assimilate new ideas and accept new situations. Blue Chalcedony assists with verbal communication, mental flexibility and listening skills. It is a calming stone that promotes good will, optimism and stability. A wonderful crystal to assist with meditation if your mind is overactive, as it encourages stillness and inner reflection.

Blue Lace Agate
Calm ~ Confidence ~ Soothing

Blue Lace Agate is a gentle and soothing stone that promotes inner calm. Associated with the throat chakra Blue Lace Agate aids communication and helps with self expression. If you are feeling judged or anxious this crystal helps to build confidence and the courage to express your emotions eloquently. It is a great crystal for caregivers.

Blue Quartz
Calm ~ Hope ~ Healing
Blue Quartz is a powerful healing crystal and energy amplifier. Blue Quartz calms the mind and assists in diplomacy and communication with others. It aids in understanding your dreams and spirituality, inspiring hope.
Energising ~ Fertility ~ Confidence

Carnelians vibrant orange red tones make it a stable but energising stone. Excellent for increasing motivation and stimulating creativity. This crystal will help you trust yourself and boosts confidence while promoting positive life choices. Associated with activating the sacral chakra Carnelian is full of life force influencing the female reproductive organs and increasing blood flow and fertility.


Calm ~ Soothe ~ Dream

Caribbean Calcite stone is a new and rare mineral combination of blue calcite and brown and white aragonite. It is a gentle soothing stone that brings calmness to the mind. Keep this stone by your bed to enhance dreaming and activate psychic abilities. It's calming ocean vibes bring tranquility and relaxation.

Abundance ~ Manifestation ~ Optimism 
Citrine is renowned for its ability to attract what you most desire. A crystal for manifestation it will teach you to appreciate what you have and find joy and a positive outlook on life.

Clear Quartz
Cleanse ~ Heal ~ Amplify
The Master Healer Clear Quartz absorbs energy from the nature and the cosmos, amplifying and releasing it to cleanse and heal. The most versatile crystal for healing all Chakras and lifting the energy in your space.

Dalmation Stone
Drive ~ Confidence ~ Joy

almatian Stone is a white feldspar-quartz mineral with dotted black inclusions. Originating in Mexico, it is named for its resemblance to the Dalmatian dog breed. Dalmatian stone has a playful and joyful energy while also being steadying and nurturing. Dalmatian stone can help keep you calm and positive no matter what is going on in your life. Unlock your confidence and drive while discovering your true purpose with Dalmatian stone. 


Organise ~ Inspire ~ Protect

Fluorite is a stone for protecting the aura from negativity or stress of any kind. It is associated with focusing the mind and the best crystal to use to overcome disorganisation and chaos, helping to bring structure and stability into daily life. Let Fluorites rainbow hues guide and inspire you to see the magic in yourself and the universe, to infuse positivity and help you manifest your deepest desires. 

Regenerative ~ Energising ~ Passion
Garnet is a powerful energising stone useful for regenerating the body and its chakras. Inspiring passion, devotion, sexual and kundalini energy, Garnet removes emotional or energetic blockages which may be limiting your vitality. A protective stone it fortifies courage and strength aiding with confidence to create, transform and expand awareness of ones self.
Golden Healer Quartz 

Healing ~ Restorative ~ Alignment

Golden healer quartz is a type of quartz that contains Iron-hydrate and is a mineral well respected for its energy healing properties. This stone’s warm radiant tones reminiscent of sunshine help to uplift and channel universal energy. Move with the golden flow of life, finding balance and alignment, feeling restored, energised and uplifted.

Strength ~ Focus ~ Grounding
Hematite is a grounding and protecting stone with a strong yang element. It dissolves negativity and promotes psychological strength, supporting self esteem, willpower and imparting confidence. It helps to enhance concentration, focus, memory and overcoming mental obstacles.
Calm ~ Honesty ~ Inspiration

Howlite is a stone that promotes stillness of the mind and relieves anxiety and stress. It is both calming and grounding, helping to dispel negative energy and defuse irritability or argumentative behaviour. If you have a tendency to procrastinate Howlite can help to stimulate your inspiration and creativity. Enhancing integrity and honest communication.


Transformation ~ Strength ~ Intuition

The bringer of light. Labradorite is a crystal of intuition, spirituality and psychic gifts. Helping to dispel fears this crystal is a stone of transformation and it is a useful companion through change imparting strength and perseverance. If you're feeling emotionally drained or exhausted Labradorite's flashes will deflect negativity and spark new ideas and your imagination. 

Lapis Lazuli 

Truth ~ Wisdom ~ Career

Lapis Lazuli promotes self awareness and is a crystal of truth. It is a thought amplifier aiding with objectivity and mental clarity. Lapis Lazuli is a great career stone for increasing wisdom, leadership and problem solving qualities. Lapis Lazuli contains streaks of golden pyrite increasing its valuable nature.


Calming ~ Independence ~ Protection

Lepidolite contains lithium and may be helpful in the reduction of stress, depression and overcoming any kind of emotional or mental dependency. It's soft nurturing energy connect us to our inner being and helps us to love ourselves.  Encouraging independence from all kinds of neediness and addictions. Also a protective stone, Lepidolite is believed to clear electromagnetic pollution and help dissipate negativity. 


Healing ~ Transformation ~  Intuition

Malachite is an extremely versatile healing stone with powerful energy. A stone of transformation Malachite invites us to live life more intensely, teaching us how to embrace change, release inhibitions, to break old patterns and alleviate any blocks to spiritual growth. This stone clears and activates all chakras particularly the heart bringing balance and harmony, while enhancing intuition and insight. 

Mookaite Jasper

Nurturing ~ Grounding ~ Courage 

A striking Australian Jasper found in WA. Mookaite has a deep indigenous history and is considered an Australian Aboriginal mother earth stone. Protective and grounding Mookaite brings about courage and calm when feeling stuck or unmotivated in life. A nurturing stone it is also uplifting and supportive, helping one to accept and embrace change and all of life’s possibilities, instead of worrying about the future.


Moss Agate

New Beginnings ~ Growth ~ Birth

Moss Agate is a crystal strongly connected with nature. It is said to refresh the soul and help you see the beauty around you and bring luck and abundance.  A crystal of new beginnings Moss Agate releases fear and stress whilst encouraging trust and hope. A birthing crystal, Moss Agate is known as the midwives stone and is said to help lessen labour pains and encourage a safe delivery.


New Jade

Assertive ~ Self Sufficient ~ Confidence

New Jade (Bowenite) is a crystal that combines strength with beauty. Perfect to wear for enhancing confidence when you need to assert yourself. This stone is protective and is believed to attract good luck as well as promoting self sufficiency. Become who you really are and overcome any fear or anxiety with Jade's soothing vibes. 



Protection ~ Release ~ Growth

Obsidian is a powerful crystal without boundaries or limitations. Its truth enhancing reflective qualities expose and release energy blockages. It compels us to grow and lends solid support. It is a protective stone shielding against negativity and blocking geopathic stress.


Ocean Jasper

Nurturing ~ Courage ~ Empathy 

Full of positive gentle nurturing energy Ocean Jasper sustains and supports during times of stress, helping develop self love and empathy. 

Unifying all aspects of your life Ocean Jasper brings wholeness and imparts determination to all pursuits. Ocean Jasper brings the courage to assert yourself honestly.

Orange Calcite

Happiness ~ Solutions ~ Optimism

This is a stone of happiness its sunny orange yellow promotes optimism and wellbeing. A crystal of intellectual power, orange calcite dissolves problems and helps maximise potential. Helpful in turning friendship into love and rekindling a relationship from the past.


Peach Moonstone

Fertility ~ Healing ~ Love

Embrace your inner goddess and feel empowered by the gentle loving energy of peach moonstone. A crystal connected to fertility peach moonstone is thought to help with hormonal cycles, PMS, menopause, menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth. It's most powerful around the full moon and soothes emotional instability. Carry peach moonstone with you to feel its loving energy support your emotional needs.


Spiritual ~ Calming ~ Healing

Originating in Peru, Phosphosiderite is a rare and highly spiritual stone associated with awakening the third eye chakra. It is often used during past life recall and to strengthen connection with your spirit guides. 

Perfect for use in meditation, Phosphosiderite is a very calming crystal who’s energy soothes stress and has a strong healing vibration.


Pink Mangano Calcite

Love ~ Forgiveness ~ Self Worth

Pink Mangano Calcite is a gentle stone which radiates peaceful loving energy. It aids self love and self acceptance, helping to heal the heart after trauma and grief. A crystal for forgiveness, Pink Mangano Calcite brings in unconditional love and heals nervous conditions lifting tension and easing anxiety.



Love ~ Manifest ~ Inner growth

Prehnite is a high vibrational crystal associated with the heart chakra. Combined with Epidote it encourages us to open our heart space and manifest our deepest desires through visualisation and meditation. A crystal associated with love, following what you love and personal growth. Prehnite encourages us to tune into ourselves, let go of what no longer serves us and trust our inner knowing.



Energising ~ Confidence ~ Success

Pyrite (Iron Pyrite) is a positive crystal that helps tap into your abilities and potential by energising and uplifting. Pyrite's energy clears the way for attracting success and prosperity inspiring you and enhancing will power.  A wonderful crystal for new moon manifesting. Also an effective energy shield Pyrite blocks negativity and strengthens confidence and drive. 

Rainbow Moonstone 


Growth ~ Acceptance ~ Soothing

A stone of new beginnings Moonstone aids with intuition and empathy. Its feminine energy is powerful for assisting with PMS, conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Associated with physic abilities and cleansing, its bright blue flashes are associated with the moon. Also a travellers stone it offers protection and easy navigation whilst travelling. 


Red Jasper

Nurturing ~ Courage ~ Energising

The rich red of Red Jasper is considered a nurturing stone that imparts the qualities of determination and courage. Jasper encourages honesty with yourself and quick thinking, supporting during times of conflict or where assertiveness is required. Associated with the base chakra Red Jasper is energising for your life force energy, grounding while revitalising your creativity and imagination.



Recall ~ Compassion ~ Love

Rhodochrosite is an emotional healing powerhouse especially if you are feeling unloved or are suffering low self-esteem. This beautiful pink, black & white crystal helps you face trauma and open a path towards happiness. Inspires love, playfulness and acceptance. A great crystal for breakups, healing after trauma or recalling back a relationship or love.


Forgiveness ~ Uplifting ~ Support

The crystal of forgiveness, Rhodonite heals all matters of the heart. Perfect for uplifting and grounding after a break up and opening ones heart to accept love. Provides support during times of transition and helps heal ones inner self after toxic relationships.


Rutile Quartz

Illumination ~ Energising ~ Intuition

A combination of quartz and rutile, rutilated quartz contains shimmery angelic like strands. It is the crystal of Illumination, helping to dispel negativity, self doubt and fears, offering clarifying radiance that lifts the spirit. An energising stone rutilated quartz enhances intuition whilst cleansing and and activating all chakras, guiding you to create the highest possible version of yourself. 

Sea Green Calcite


Restore ~ Centre ~ Healing

The vibrant green of this stone is reminiscent of washed sea glass. Sea Green Calcite (also known as Pistachio Calcite) is a mental healer that helps dissolve limiting beliefs and old ways of thinking restoring balance to the mind.

It helps with letting go that which no longer serves you, calming nerves and absorbing negativity leaving you centred in serenity.

Spirit Quartz


Insight ~ Connection ~Harmony 

Spirit Quartz also known as cactus quartz or pineapple quartz originates in South Africa. This is a high vibrational crystal is useful in opening and aligning the crown and higher chakras. Its uplifting energy is helpful in all forms of metaphysical work including journeying, insight, psychic perception and connecting with spirit.
A stone of patience, it is ideal for collaborating group efforts and facilitating harmony.

Rose Quartz

Love ~ Calm ~ Soothe

The crystal for unconditional love. Rose Quartz soothes the heart and brings about self acceptance and inner calm. It opens one to finding new love, romance and helps fertility. A soothing stone great for sleep issues and reconciliation.



Cleanse ~ Calm ~ Clear 

Selenite has a powerful, peaceful energy. It is used to clear the energy of a room or mental state. Selenite is one of the few self cleansing crystals and also has the ability to cleanse other crystals. It brings balance and creates a safe, comfortable environment. Promoting inner peace, radiance and harmony.


Confidence ~ Spiritual ~ Detoxifying

Serpentine is an earthing stone that aids meditation and spiritual exploration. Opening new pathways for Kundalini energy to rise, Serpentine opens one up to ancestral wisdom, physic abilities and memory of past lives. A stone known for healing, Serpentine is said to help cleanse and detoxify the body. It also helps one feel more in control of life imparting confidence and emotional balance.

Smokey Quartz 


Grounding ~ Calm ~ Positivity

Smokey Quartz is a powerful grounding crystal believed to alleviate anxiety and fear bringing calmness  and positive thought. It is a rejuvenating crystal, excellent for detoxification on all levels and healing the nervous system. Neutralising negative energy Smokey Quartz helps lift depression and is useful for radiation-related illnesses or chemotherapy.


Prosperity ~ Success ~ Happiness

A little piece of sparkly sunshine this warm and energising stone is uplifting and attracts prosperity by uncovering your talents. Sunstone increases your profile and helps you get ahead. A stone to help with enjoying the present and bringing happiness and the means to holiday and travel.


Objectivity - Communication - Awakening

With its calming blues Sodalite is associated with the third eye and throat chakra. It is an extremely calming stone, calming the mind and bringing about emotional balance. Sodalite encourages rational thought and clear communication. It eliminates mental confusion, enhancing order and practicality. A particularly useful stone for writing, communication and creativity.


Tigers Eye

Protective  ~ Objectivity ~ Goals

Tigers eye is a protective stone that is also grounding. It facilitates the manifestation of accomplishing goals by promoting clarity of intention and balancing both your needs and the needs of others. It is a crystal for enhancing practical perception and aids in unblocking creativity making it a great stone for building the confidence to succeed.



Relationships ~ Vision ~ New Beginnings

Unakite helps with releasing deep seated emotions in a slow and gentle way, facilitating openness and strengthening relationships. It prepares us for new beginnings, promotes visualisation and physic vision and can be useful in meditation. Unakite is a supportive stone that is associated with the reproductive system. It may aid with conception, healthy pregnancy and recovery after a major illness.


Yellow Aventurine 

Balance ~ Optimism ~ Confidence

Yellow Aventurine is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra and is particularly useful if you need a boost of confidence and help to trust your inner self. Its sunny yellow hue promotes optimism and encourages emotional balance. Use Yellow Aventurine's energy to attract happiness, laughter and abundance into your life.

NOTE - We recommend before purchasing any of our crystals that you do your own research into the crystal that suits your individual needs. In addition to how to cleanse, charge and activate your crystals energy.

For your interest, The Crystalest has provided the above individual descriptions and common meanings for each crystal shown on our website utilising a range of reference materials including: 

- The Crystal Bible, Judy Hall

- The Illustrated Guide to Crystals, Judy Hall

- Crystals Everything you need to know to Heal, Cleanse, Love, Energise, Cassandra Eason

- The Crystal Directory 100 Crystals for Positive Manifestation, Sarah Bartlett

- Crystal, Colour and Chakra Healing, Sue & Simon Lilly

- A Beginners Guide to Crystals, Lisa Butterworth