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Crystals for Fertility

This set is extremely personal for me, as for years I struggled with my own infertility. Fertility is a complex area of health and while I do not recommend crystals replace modern medicine they can certainly provide emotional support during this emotional rollercoaster.

On my own fertility journey, despite repeated tests and investigative processes doctors and specialists were unable to give me any clarity or answers around why I experienced reoccurring miscarriages. 

In my search for answers and help I turned to traditional Chinese medicine, Acupuncture (by an accredited and experienced specialist in Fertility), changing my diet and reducing stress combined with manifesting and crystals to support my journey.


Associated with life force, goddess energy and growth are:

  • Carnelian ~ Associated with activating the sacral chakra Carnelian is full of life force energy influencing the female reproductive organs and increasing blood flow and fertility. 
  • Moss AgateA crystal of new beginnings and growth. Moss Agate is known as the midwives stone and is said to be a birthing crystal, helping to lessen labour pains and encourage a safe delivery. 
  • Peach Moonstone ~ Embrace your inner goddess and feel empowered and soothed by the gentle loving energy of peach moonstone. A crystal connected to fertility peach moonstone is thought to help with hormonal cycles, menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Rose Quartz ~ The crystal for unconditional love. Rose Quartz soothes the heart and brings about self acceptance and inner calm. Open your heart to giving and receiving love.
  • Unakite ~ Is a supportive stone that prepares us for new beginnings. It is often associated with the reproductive system. It may aid with conception, and healthy pregnancy.

If you find yourself here on my blog, this is your sign. I share my story to give hope and while the journey to conceive and birth a healthy baby is so different for everyone and may not always be possible, I want you to know that I am very lucky to now have to two healthy rainbow babies I never thought possible. 

Sending lots of love to you, who ever you are. I know your pain. I hope these crystals will bring you comfort, not just your fertility journey but on your pregnancy journey too.

Jasmine xxx