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Crystals for Protection

Protect your energy with this set of tumbled crystals perfect for grounding and shielding your energy. Surround yourself with divine light and protection from the universe with:


  • Amethyst ~ a stone of spiritual and psychic protection and is often worn as a protective talisman. A peaceful stone it also alleviates stress and grief and anxiety.
  • Black Tourmaline a very powerful, protective and grounding crystal. It absorbs and repels negative energy and cleanses and clears energy blockages and stress.
  • Lapis Lazuli A protective stone that has shielding qualities blocking negative energy and returning it to the source. Calming energy to help open up to intuitive guidance from guardians.
  • Smokey Quartz ~ A powerful grounding crystal believed to alleviate anxiety and fear bring calmness and positive thought. 
  • Tourmalinated Quartz  A powerful crystal combining the properties of Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline this stone brings harmony and protection.

Place them together in your bag, down your bra, in your pocket or in your car.

Take them with you wherever you need some extra protection from negativity and shielding vibes, give them a squeeze to ground yourself and feel supported and reassured.

You are safe and protected.