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Crystals for Love

You are loved more than you will ever know. To find love we must first learn to love ourselves. So with this in mind, I’ve created a crystal love intention pack to balance the heart chakra. 


  • Green Aventurine ~ Perfect for healing the heart and manifesting all that you desire. Keep your heart open to growth and new opportunities. 
  • Peach Moonstone ~ Amplify your own goddess energy and find support within to soothe ones emotions. 
  • Rhodochrosite ~ Heal emotional trauma from the past and open a new path towards happiness and love. Boost your self esteem with compassion and open up to love, playfulness and acceptance.
  • RhodoniteFind it in your heart to forgive, so you can heal and move forward. This stone uplifts and grounds you after a break up and provides support to accept love again.
  • Rose Quartz ~ Fill your heart with unconditional love from this gentle, calming stone. Rose Quartz promotes self acceptance and inner peace. Facilitating opening up to new love and romance. Sleep well knowing its gentle loving energy is by your side. 

To use your love crystals place them in a dish beside your beside and each time you look at them affirm and remind yourself each night how eternally loved you are.

Perhaps select one (or take the whole lot in your little cotton pouch) each day to carry with you to fill you with the loving energy you need, giving them a squeeze in your palm when you need to for reassurance. 

You are worthy of love. You are loved. 

Love you beautiful xxx