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How to cleanse crystals

Let’s do a quick tutorial on how to cleanse your crystal collection. 

NOTE: Every crystal is different so some methods listed here may not be suitable for your stone. Please check before submerging your crystals or stones in water that they are water safe. As water will damage some crystals, stones and minerals.

    Why do crystals need cleansing?

    The vibrational energy of crystals means they absorb energy from every person they have come into contact with as well as their environments. So when you buy a new crystal, it’s important that if it hasn’t been sold to you already cleansed and charged, it’s a good idea to do it yourself. It’s so easy, why wouldn’t you! 

    How often to I cleanse my crystals?

    You will need to cleanse your crystal collection from time to time as you feel their energy getting tired or they seem to have lost their lustre. Amp up the good vibes and keep your crystals pure with a quick cleanse and charge to raise the vibration. 

    Ways to cleanse your crystals

    There are many ways to cleanse and charge crystals but here are a few easy ones for you to try.

    1. Smoke cleansing

    A great way to cleanse most crystals is smoke cleansing (often referred to as smudging) using White Sage or Palo Santo. You light the Sage or Palo Santo stick and then blow out the flames letting it to smoulder or smoke. Allowing the smoke to drift over your crystals will cleanse them. 

    Some cleansing kits include a shell, what’s that for? The shell (naturally fire retardant) will enable you to dab out or snuff out your Sage or Palo Santo safely while helping to retain it for future use. 

    No! You don’t need to use a whole bunch of Sage or a whole Palo Santo stick each time you cleanse. A little bit goes a long way and if you DON’T use water to snuff it out it will be nice and dry for the next time you need to use it. You can simply re-light it again for your next cleanse. 

    2. Water cleansing

    Simply running your stones under fresh running water of a tap. Or a quick dip in a bowl of water or water from the ocean will cleanse your stone. This is a safe method for crystals the Quartz family. 

    Please check if your stone is water safe first before submerging in water. Many crystals can be damaged by water (e.g. Selenite and many of the crystals ending in “ite”) and may dissolve or loose their colour or sheen. A quick Google search will help! 

    3. Cleansing with other stones

    Using the energy of other stones is a powerful and safe way to cleanse and charge your crystals. 

    Selenite is a wonderful, because of its natural properties, this goddess of the moon will cleanse and charge your crystals for you which is why you often find it carved into beautiful bowls and plates to make it easy to cleanse your crystal stones and jewellery. 

    Large clusters or geodes of Quartz are also wonderful to use to cleanse your smaller stones. Just place them onto of the cluster or geode and leave overnight and it will transform and uplift their energy. 

    4. Moonlight 

    Cleansing and charging in light of the Full Moon is a popular method for cleansing and charging crystals. Leaving them in a safe space overnight is ideal ( or on a window sill for not water safe crystals is fine). 

    The moons delicate rays and the rays of gentle morning sun will refresh and energise your stones. 

    Please remember not to leave them out in the harsh sunlight as this can fade the colours of some stones. 

    I cleanse and charge all the crystals I sell at The Crystalest at my home by the ocean on the pristine Mid North Coast in Port Macquarie using one or more of the methods above to ensure they bring you all the good vibes. 

    Happy cleansing! 

    Jasmine xxx