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Starting your crystal collection

Wherever your crystal journey has begun, from being given your first stone, to acquiring a little collection of crystals. If you are considering investing in some crystals for your home, office or personal collection here are some tips to help get you started. 

1. Don’t over think it! 

I find its best to let your intuition guide you on your crystal choices. Yes every crystal has a meaning, it's own unique energy and healing properties. Considering these in your choices is fine, but please try not to let the meanings overwhelm your choice or confuse you. 

You may be drawn to a certain stone because of its colour or form. You can imagine it being in your space or holding it in your hand. Some people can feel its warmth or vibration. This is the crystal for you. Trust your initial reaction. Refer to the meaning and chances are you will find that the meaning is exactly what you needed. (Keep in mind there are many meanings or uses for each stone)

2. Try a tumbled stone or raw crystal 

A great way to see if the crystal you are after is a good match is to try it out in a tumbled stone or as a small raw crystal. Even small stones have all the same good vibes as their larger counterparts. They are affordable and easily transportable to keep with you wherever you need them. If you feel the crystal resonates with you then fantastic, you can then look for a larger statement piece you can display in your environment. 

3. Cleanse & charge your crystals 

Do I really need to do this? I hear you ask…

It’s entirely up to you, but it is said that crystals absorb the energy from the environments they are in and from those who have held them before you. So a quick cleanse is always a good idea. 

Cleansing can be done by numerous means and I’ll do a seperate blog post on this, but some easy ways are with sage (smoke cleansing) with water (check your crystal is water safe first), sound or even breath. 

Charging can be done in the full moon or early morning sun. Please be careful not to leave them out in the harsh sunlight as this will fade some crystals. 

Most of all enjoy building your crystal collection. They are a thing of beauty that will uplift, energise and revitalise your space. Reminding you each time you see them to take a breath, clear your mind and enjoy some much needed me time.  

You are worth it! 

Sending you lots of good vibes from my home by the ocean 

Jasmine xxx