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Crystals for Calm

If you're feeling a little on edge, please know that you're not alone. With the world the way it is, it is very normal to be feeling your anxiety levels rise and more stressed out than usual. I know I certainly am!

Try to be kind to yourself and take some time out. Turn off your TV and radio, put the phone down and get off social media. Close your laptop, work can wait.

Go outside feel the sun on your skin and the wind in your hair, sit on the earth (if you can) and just breathe deeply. 

Take a few minutes for yourself to just be.

I've been asked a lot lately about crystals that help me to stay calm. So I've put together a pack of some beautiful stones that help me to chill out. I either carry one or two me or keep them together out in a little dish as a reminder to take a breath. 


  • AmazoniteTranquil and soothing. Amazonite helps dispel anxiety and neutralise negative thinking. It inspires courage and helps you manifest your truth.
  • Caribbean Calcite - A gentle soothing stone brining calmness to the mind and a sense of relaxation and dreaming.
  • Blue QuartzPowerfully healing, a crystal that calms the mind and assists with communication and giving hope.
  • HowliteCalming and grounding helping with alleviation of anxiety and stress.
  • Amethyst A peaceful crystal for healing and protection. Facilitating connection with your spirituality. 

This too shall pass. Please be kind to yourself and others.


Never be afraid to reach out and ask for help or talk to someone you know. Mental health is so important right now and there are counselling services available 24 hs / 7 days to assist you or someone you might know that is struggling:

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